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Start Planning Your Wedding

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

Top questions to ask yourself in the begging of your wedding planning.

  1. What is our wedding budget?

  2. Will we require assistance of an event coordinator?

  3. What season do we want our wedding to take place?

  4. What month and date do we want to book our ceremony and reception?

  5. Where do we envision the activities taking place? church, banquets hall, park, hotel ballroom, home, aquarium, zoo, party boat, mansion, resort, convention center.

  6. What will our wedding theme and colors be?

  7. How involved will all parties involved including parents and groom be in planning the wedding events?

  8. How will top priorities be prioritized and assigned.

  9. Make all parties involved in the planning know from the beginning that you and your partner have the final say on all wedding decisions.

  10. Will we have a cocktail party, buffet, or sit down reception?

  11. What will our wedding guest dress code be?

  12. Do we want our wedding ceremony at the same location as the reception?

  13. We will have a traditional or non-tradition ceremony?

  14. When is our local bridal shows to meet with vendors?

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